Do you love him?
Do you love him?
Do you love him?
Do you love him?
Do you love him?

the egregore theory

The egregore.
The egregore.
The egregore.

Due to the lack of records as to when he was conceived or just as to what he is in general, many has speculated him to be some sort of egregore or tulpas. He was seemingly a menace born out of nowhere, feeding off of the sins and sick desires of others to grow bigger. The extent of what he is capable of is generally unknown, but one thing is for certain, he always comes back.

"I'll tell you how I saw it, he gutted them. Gutted them and carved them after they were already dead. Gutted and decorated them like they were props for a halloween party. He dragged my half-dead body around telling me he loved me and all these people who were already dead. He left me to walk upon miles and miles of rubble and ruin. I refuse to believe this man did it all on his own, or to even believe he is just a man."

P0WER mode

This seems to be only exclusively available to his split version, though its purpose and how it comes up is still unknown.


meat meat meat meat
meat meat meat meat
meat meat meat meat
meat meat meat meat
meat meat meat meat
meat meat meat meat
meat meat meat meat
meat meat meat meat
meat meat meat meat
meat meat meat meat
meat meat meat meat
meat meat meat meat
meat meat meat meat
meat meat meat meat
meat meat meat meat
meat meat meat meat
meat meat meat meat
meat meat meat meat
meat meat meat meat

I love you.
I love you.
I love you.
I love you.
I love you.

Where are you going?



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